Seasons of Spice: Sous Chef Autumn
The warm & hearty seasonings in this box are great for autumn.
Cooler weather is the perfect time to fall back in love with flavorful soups and hearty stews!
Black Onyx Chocolate Sugar
This cocoa-infused sugar is decadent, with a brownie-like taste that adds a chocolatey sweetness to just about anything. For a chocolate twist, substitute for regular sugar.
Quick Uses: Add to baked goods and breakfast dishes like cereal or French toast. Sprinkle on fruit or sweeten drinks. Rim a cocktail glass or mug of hot chocolate.

Featured Homestead Seasoning Recipes

Ghost Pepper Salt
Gourmet sea salt meets fiery ghost pepper. While not overly spicy, there's still heat in every bite. Created for chile lovers, this spicy salt can be used by anyone who wants to add a little spice to their favorite dishes.
Quick Uses: Sprinkle on snacks like chicken wings, potatoes or fries, and deviled eggs. Add to chili or use in place of hot sauce.
Add sparingly, because this ghost salt is hot!
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Spiced Vanilla Bean Sugar
This spiced sugar is a grown-up version of the cinnamon sugar you might have enjoyed as a child. We added warm spices like cinnamon, mace and allspice with delicious vanilla sugar to create this sweet-spiced delight.
Quick Uses: Substitute for regular sugar to add a spiced twist to both sweet and savory dishes. Sprinkle spiced vanilla sugar in your morning cup of coffee or on your breakfast.

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BONUS: Garlic Dill Pickle Popcorn Seasoning
Popcorn and pickles aren't a classic combo but is a surprisingly tasty treat. This tangy seasoning gets an herby dill boost with a kick of aromatic garlic and a touch of cayenne.
Quick Uses: Sprinkle dill pickle popcorn seasoning generously on unsalted, buttered popcorn. Try using as a dill pickle salt for potato, egg, tuna, and pasta salads.